Mittwoch, 3. Juli 2013

First time in Ottawa


This is Ottawa (and me with my new camera :)

On the right side you can see a big blue mountain: this is part of the culture museum. The river is called Ottwariver. Behind the river starts the french part of the city. You have to know, that ottwa has an english and a french part.

This is the peacefire. It lights all the time.

Das Rathaus :)

As you can see: rue is for the french part of ottawa, and st means street for the english part.

Aragog ! Kunstprojekt vor dem Kunstmuseum :)

And finally: what else can I say, than:

Okay, this is for Mimi:

Canada cookies sind total beliebt, die gibts sehr oft in den Baeckerein. Und weil Obama einmal da war, heisst das Keks in diesem Geschaeft Obama cookie :)

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